Comprehensive hands-on evaluation including movement analysis, strength / mobility assessment, neuromuscular reeducation, exercise programming.
Care fully personalized to your needs, with a road map to help you reach your goals
Includes hands-on manual therapy, written program of corrective and progressive exercises, and ongoing email support for home program maintenance
60 minute evaluations, 30/60 minute followups
Performance Enhancement
Perfect for athletes and movers of all sorts. Learn more about how to optimize the way you move to break through your plateaus, address movements that “don’t quite feel right”, and get better insight into the moving target of what your body needs as you continue your movement journey
Active Recovery
Sometimes all we need is a nudge in the right direction to get back on track. You can book a focused session of manual therapy to give your body the tune-up that it needs to keep performing at the level you expect.
Active Release Therapy
Myofascial Decompression / cupping
Grastin / scar massage
Stretching / massage
Corrective Protocols
Want to try it on your own? Here’s a hand-picked set of exercises that will target common areas of limitation
Corrective exercises by body region
Corrective exercises by trick / movement
Performance optimization (e.g. weight lifting, or other exercises)